Completed 2,186 sports badges in Oberberg

Oberberg. In front of the guests of honor Christian Berger and Marc Zimmermann (members of the state parliament), deputy district administrator Professor Dr. Friedrich Wilke and Gummersbach's deputy mayor Jürgen Marquardt were honored as the winners of last year's sports badge competition at AggerEnergie in Berstig. A total of 2,186 sports badges were awarded by 19 schools and 29 clubs in the Oberberg district. This corresponds to an increase of 632 sports badges (previous year: 1,554), which means an increase of over 40 percent. The chairman of the district sports association, Hagen Jobi, praised the sports badge representatives for their tireless voluntary work and thanked the savings banks in Oberberg, the Kreissparkasse Köln and AggerEnergie for their generous sponsorship. Uwe Töpfer, Managing Director of AggerEnergie, was pleased to be the sponsor and host of the sports badge award ceremony for the 22nd time and emphasized the importance of sport and exercise as a means of...