High up with “Icarus”

For many years, the “Model Flight Day”, initiated by the DMFV on the first Sunday in June, has been an integral part of the annual calendar of many model pilots. On Sunday, June 2nd, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., the view in Elsdorf will be skyward again! As part of the “Model Flight Day”, the Ikarus Elsdorf model flight community offers a model flight operation when the weather is nice, where anyone interested is welcome to watch.

Elsdorf (me). Above all, there is the opportunity for everyone to take control of a model themselves in so-called teacher-student flying. “We will also try to present as interesting a range of flight models as possible in the air and on the ground,” announces first chairman Ralph Deuster.

The model-like models range from small polystyrene airplanes to motor models weighing almost 25 kilograms. Gliders and motorized aircraft of all kinds can be admired, powered by modern electric motors or conventional combustion engines. The club is also familiar with drones and helicopters. Only turbine-powered models are not represented on the site for noise protection reasons.

There are soft drinks and grilled food, as well as coffee and cake for a donation. To protect the environment, guests are asked to bring glasses, cups, dishes and cutlery.

The model flying area is located on the dirt road “Im Langen Benden”, Elsdorf. Access is from the east via Thorr and from the west of Widdendorf.


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