75 years of the Basic Law: Students get creative

Last year, the Culture in Schools Association in cooperation with Kultur Hürth contacted the schools in the city of Hürth to create, coordinate, supervise and perform a school theater project to mark the 75th anniversary of our Basic Law.
Hurth (me). Four Hürth schools, the Deutschherrenschule, the Am Clementinenhof school, the Hürth comprehensive school and the Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium, came together in October last year to start this joint theater project on this highly topical topic.
Each school should develop some theater scenes or dance and musical performances based on one of the articles of the Basic Law, which can be presented in a joint performance in the Roman Hall in the Hürth community center.
The result is a colorful bouquet of different performances.
The Deutschherrenschule will perform a black light theater piece entitled “Our Beautiful World”, which deals with the development of life on earth and highlights how important it is to protect the earth and our environment, Article 20A of the Basic Law. The GGS Am Clementinenhof deals with Article 3 of the Basic Law and rehearsed a dance theater on the topic of equality before the law, equal rights and anti-discrimination.
The ASG addresses Articles 4 and 5 and created a collage of scenes on freedom of religion, tolerance towards religions and freedom of expression as well as the limits of freedom of expression in cases of discrimination against others.
Last but not least, the comprehensive school in the city of Hürth will perform an original Stomp version entitled “Dealing with garbage with rhythm” (Article 20A).
The performance will be on Wednesday. June 5th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Roman Hall of the community center. Admission is free. Donations are gladly accepted.
The planning and implementation of the project is financially supported by the Lions Club of the City of Hürth, the Community Foundation of the City of Hürth and the Kreissparkasse Köln.
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