care and rescue


Oberberg district. Numerous people who have immigrated or fled to Germany - and to the Oberbergischer Kreis - are looking for a perspective on the job market or would like to reorient themselves professionally. At the same time, there is an acute shortage of skilled workers and workers in many sectors, including in the nursing and rescue sectors.

The needs of both sides were brought together through the three “Care and Rescue Action Days”, organized by the Oberbergischer Kreis Municipal Integration Center, the Oberbergischer Kreis Economic Development Agency and the Academy for Health Management and Senior Citizens (AGewiS). In this way, interested people with a refugee or immigration history were able to gain practical insights into the activities typical of the job, come into contact with employers and practice applying for jobs.

Practical day at AGewiSThe 40 participants were first welcomed to AGewiS and, thanks to the reports from trainees, got a first impression of nursing and rescue training in Germany. The trainees, who themselves came from Nepal, Vietnam and Syria, encouraged those present that the training can be completed even if their German language skills have not yet been perfected. The participants were then able to become active themselves at various stations: measuring blood pressure, applying bandages, changing baby dolls, positioning each other in the stable side position, performing a cardiac pressure massage and practicing transferring from bed to wheelchair were just some of the practical activities . At the end there was a feedback round and the opportunity to ask questions, take information brochures with you and arrange follow-up consultations. Trade fair with employers Almost 50 participants came together with 16 institutions in a mini trade fair in the Innovation Hub Bergisches RheinLand in Gummersbach. In addition to 12 care facilities from the entire district, the employment agency and the job center as well as the economic development agency and the municipal integration center were also represented with information stands. The institutions presented their training and job offers and were met with great interest from people looking for work, many of whom had already brought their translated and recognized certificates as well as other application documents. In addition to information materials and new contacts with employers, some of those present took home concrete internship, training and job offers.

Application coachingThe application training carried out by the Caritas Association for the Oberbergischer Kreis rounded off the three days of action and gave the participants the tools to put their career aspirations into practice. Due to the limited number of 20 places, the coaching team was able to respond to individual needs and wishes. Depending on their language level and previous knowledge, the participants had the opportunity to learn the basics of applying in Germany, create CVs and cover letters using templates or optimize their own documents that they had brought with them. Simulating job interviews and raising awareness of culture-specific do's and don'ts also served as helpful preparation for the later application process.

The conclusion of those involved over the three days was consistently positive. “Many people took part in all three days of action and are now newly motivated to continue pursuing their professional path in Germany and in the Oberberg district. Thanks to the language mediators organized on demand, even people who still had limited knowledge of German were able to

“Be sure to follow the content well,” says Larissa Busch, coordinator of the labor market integration department at the municipal integration center. After each day of action, everyone present also received a certificate of participation, which they could use to demonstrate their interest and commitment to future employers.

can show. Similar events in other professional fields are planned in the future.


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