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आपको और आपके परिवार को दिल से

लाल रंग की चुनरी से सजा माँ का दरबार,

हर्षित हुआ मन, पुलकित हुआ संसार,

नन्हें-नन्हें क़दमों से माँ आए आपके द्वार…..

इस नवरात्रि यही हैं हमारी दुआ… “जय माता दी”

नवरात्री की हार्दिक शुभकामनाये

“ की तरफ से नवरात्री की हार्दिक शुभकामनाये ”

What is the requirement of Digital Transformation?

The obsession of people with the latest gadgets and faster internet access is part of their desire to make life easier. The latest smartphone models have given people the convenience of doing work, accessing entertainment, and communicating with others while being able to move around. Before, people needed to be in front of a desktop computer to have access to the internet. Nowadays, there are mobile phones that are more powerful than desktop computers. People want to have valuable digital business solutions on hand, and they want it fast. Companies that continue to stay with the traditional way of doing business will find themselves being left behind by organizations that transition to digital transformation. Companies need to realize the need to integrate digital business solutions in doing business for them to keep or attract more customers. The Need for Digital Transformation. While most schools may be using some form of digital technology for their lessons, these schools have not fully embraced the digital transformation. Because of this hesitation to go digital, there are a lot of schools that are struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide their students with digital learning programs for the upcoming school year. On the other hand, schools that have implemented online learning and have already been using digital business solutions are unhindered with offering online learning solutions to their students. The Benefit of Digital Transformation. The heart of any digital transformation should be about the added value that you give to your customers. Whatever industry your company belongs to, the customer experience must be your first and foremost priority. To give customers a greater experience with your company, you should incorporate digital solutions that will do the following: Digitize Customer Experience. A majority of people are always looking at their smartphones to access information. People are also browsing different businesses and do a lot of transactions using their smartphones. Customers who can transact business with your company using digital business solutions will have a better experience. Increase in Speed. Being able to transact businesses digitally is one thing; however, your company must also ensure that the speed of the transaction will also meet the demands of your customers. It is important that your organization’s websites are fast loading and that the website can adapt to different screens or gadgets. Customer Adoption to Digital Experience. Your company’s digital transaction methods must also be convenient and friendly enough that customers will want to repeat the experience. Businesses need to streamline their transaction processes so that customers will have a pleasant enough experience that they would not mind repeating the process for future transactions. When to Start Your Digital Transformation Ten years ago, a company that chooses to have a “wait-and-see” attitude about digital transformation may still be able to survive. However, in today’s technological-driven world, a business that is still hesitant to embrace digital transformation will slowly die out. As with Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, only the businesses that are already implementing digital business solutions will lead and survive. Business owners need to realize that going digital is both inevitable and necessary. The need for digital transformation is upon us. Maybe you still have strong sales, happy customers, and productive employees as of present, however, as the next generation of digital natives begins to be your customers, they will find that your traditional way of doing business unappealing and may switch to your competition.


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